Im on catch up with all the video session but decided to begin at the beginning & enjoy the sketching. This was done in teh chilliness of the morning sat in the kitchen garden looking down teh valley to the mountains, will-it-or-wont-it-rain clouds over my head. Trying to get a sense of distance and busyness of the sky. Watery gouache painted on & wiped off in places, then pencil & crayon added
Im on catch up with all the video session but decided to begin at the beginning & enjoy the sketching. This was done in teh chilliness of the morning sat in the kitchen garden looking down teh valley to the mountains, will-it-or-wont-it-rain clouds over my head. Trying to get a sense of distance and busyness of the sky. Watery gouache painted on & wiped off in places, then pencil & crayon added
Louise Balaam - Monthly Landscape Painting
Your comment thank you Louise – such good fun playing with different mediums & see what happens. Who knew that sketching could be such fun!
A very nice feeling to this Karen, I like the way you’re using the media and the vertical marks in the sky