I wanted to paint a still life and focus on the values. I have tried to limit to a range of four values. I wanted to work on not overworking 🙂 but that is a challenge. The fruit is made from clay. I would love tips on how to make still life more interesting and how you approach painting still life
Thank you 🙂
summary; interrelation of colour relationships/ what is it about? beautiful yellows/ great to make the objects/ touch is important/ alternate interaction (dark to light/yellow to violet/ grey to saturated , etc) modulate colour and break it up more/ surface is equal to forms and shadows have colour/ great facets.
I am not thinking input on composition and what objects to paint, but more technical tips to make it visually interesting and not looking overworked – how can simplifying make it stronger – how to simplify? (value range, color scheme, brush work?)