This was a helpful task. I made a study limited to three values. It took a lot of concentration seeing and judging values constantly. I am not used to doing that. I used a gray scale/value finder and a red filter to look through to judge. I see how doing more exercises like this can help my painting in the long run. With more practice I will hopefully I get better at judging without using tools .
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It looks like this was very helpful with selection, however both paintings are strong , they are just different – certainly the composition varies from each image, perhaps the first painting in colour is cropped? Really thinking about why we use colour is really important and what are we trying to do with it. I find it intoxicating but of course, it is nothing without drawing. Perhaps drawing is just putting the colour in the right place? (Klee) . Artist you might like to look at would be : Luc Tuymans , Claire Haward, Georgio Morandi . As you say greys are so important to ‘make’ the colour. Perceptually, it is so confusing but deciding what it is for may help.