Off the back of the Turner lesson (October 2023), I did this charcoal transcription of Turner's 'Peace – Burial at Sea, exh. 1842'. I was quite pleased with how this came out. I did try, three or four times, to also make a painting, but that just didn't work out, so I gave up on that. I think it was a mix of things: using the wrong paper to begin with, which was thin and buckled with wet media; drawing at a very small scale what was an 87 × 87cm painting (it was hard to translate the expressiveness to a 20cmx20cm drawing on an A4 sheet 😆), and just trying to figure out how the heck Turner layered things and achieved the particular effects with paint. Much harder than it looks! Original painting here:
Off the back of the Turner lesson (October 2023), I did this charcoal transcription of Turner’s ‘Peace – Burial at Sea, exh. 1842’. I was quite pleased with how this came out. I did try, three or four times, to also make a painting, but that just didn’t work out, so I gave up on that. I think it was a mix of things: using the wrong paper to begin with, which was thin and buckled with wet media; drawing at a very small scale what was an 87 × 87cm painting (it was hard to translate the expressiveness to a 20cmx20cm drawing on an A4 sheet 😆), and just trying to figure out how the heck Turner layered things and achieved the particular effects with paint. Much harder than it looks! Original painting here:
Louise Balaam - Monthly Landscape Painting
Thanks, Louise!
I really like this monochrome transcription Chris, the charcoal works so well & is so expressive. It really brings out the tonal pattern and drama of the original painting. I like the way as well that you analysed the reasons it was harder to make a painting based on the same work.