Structural drawing, second go
Structural drawing, second go
Painting The Portrait Sketch with Andrew James
Posted on
August 28, 2024
← Reproduction of Euan Uglow ‘Spanish Townscape with Church Tower’ 1952, Segovia. The original is in oil this attempt is in watercolour. The image is in my book ‘Euan Uglow the complete paintings’ unfortunately I have failed to find this wonderful painting on the web to point you to it. I dare not publish it because of copyright!There is a distance photo I will put on my Instagram account in due course. Please take my word for it that the real image has more subtle changes in tone than I could achieve. Nevertheless a great exercise in studying the complexities of a master painter, thank you Louise for the video tutorial.
I’ve just joined and was keen to get stuck in. My first assignment was to draw and paint out doors in a landscape that had meaning for me. I suffer from fibromyalgia which makes painting outside tricky. It was only the 2nd time I’ve been out on my own without help. I sat on a log and somehow managed to balance my equipment on it. I used a selection of media.
Unfortunately as I was about to start using the coloured pencils I found in my father’s studio – probably 50 years old it started to rain. I decided my watercolour already had plenty of water in it and headed off for a coffee. →