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Thank you to Louise..and Caroline – you’re both edging me towards having the confidence to be much bolder with marks & colour. I’ve learned so much since joining this course. So here’s another one of the very same view ( maybe I should find a different spot to sketch?) I’d love your thoughts on the last two paintings because I’m not sure about what I’m doing, a few friends have said that they don’t like them because they’re not ‘pretty pictures of views’ – but I don’t want to paint pretty, that’s the very last thing I want to do – capturing a moment is what this is about.

Thank you to Louise..and Caroline – you’re both edging me towards having the confidence to be much bolder with marks & colour. I’ve learned so much since joining this course. So here’s another one of the very same view ( maybe I should find a different spot to sketch?) I’d love your thoughts on the last two paintings because I’m not sure about what I’m doing, a few friends have said that they don’t like them because they’re not ‘pretty pictures of views’ – but I don’t want to paint pretty, that’s the very last thing I want to do – capturing a moment is what this is about.


Posted on

April 18, 2024


  1. Karen Gunn

    Thanks again Louise – I’ll try adding colour as yo suggest . I’m so excited about sharing all the pictures I paint, mostly because I cant quite believe that I can make paintings, & i do find it exciting & fascinating…..i am quickly learning that not everyone shares my enthusiasm!! This group is fabulous for the generosity & wisdom of comments & encouragement. Thank you!

  2. Louise Balaam

    I really like the soft grey sky in this one Karen – try having some of the sky colour in the ground and vice versa, it helps to tie the painting together.

  3. Louise Balaam

    Absolutely Caroline, couldn’t have put it better myself. In my workshops I warn students to be very careful who they show their work to, particularly when you’re starting off or trying new things- a thoughtless or careless comment can really affect your confidence. I would completely agree that you don’t want a pretty landscape, we’re aiming for a personal response which is much more interesting than that. It takes quite a while to explore the paint and find out what it will do – & not knowing what you’re doing is actually very healthy I think.

  4. Caroline Harrison

    I really like the movement and the colours you are using. What size are your paintings? It is really how you feel about your paintings that is important. I can’t see why anyone wouldn’t like this scene Karen. I have found it is best to shut the door and not let anyone see your work as it is ‘comments’ that can really interfere with an artist’s journey. I see it as a relationship between the artist and the paint! and often the paint wins as we often have no idea what we are doing!!

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